
Commodity trading brings a basket full of diverse avenues for investment, away from the traditional avenues of equity, bonds and real estate. Based on the historical data, adding commodities exposure to your existing portfolio helps you increase the returns while lowering the risk. Commodities have very little or negative correlation with other asset classes. Our aim is to deliver the customized solutions to ensure you have a superior trading experience. We provide advice on hedging strategy for retail clients and arbitrage. Whether you are new comer or an experienced trader we provide you strategies that keep you one step ahead in the market.

Option to trade across Bullion, Metals, Energy, Agro and other commodities in MCX.
Exposure of upto 3-4 times of available funds for Value Plus product.
Real-time fund transfer facility to get instant limit or reduce risk percentage.
Customized offering based on your profile -Investor, Trader, Hedger, Speculator or Arbitrageur.
For the listed commodities please visit the home page of major exchanges’ website: MCX


If you are convinced with our services, you can fill the form to open an account with us and we shall get back to you with more details.

For further details, write to us at or  contact Amit Jain-+91.9038 232 575.

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